BDSM Reviews

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Posted by Miranda Heart :: 1:52 PM :: 0 Comments:

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Playtime Friday Night By: Jude Mason

On a scale of 1-5 I have rated this a 5

“Sexy Confessions to Venus”
Playtime Friday Night
By: Jude Mason
Published By: Venus Press 2006

Jack and his lovely Mistress Chris have missed playtime twice now, and it looks like a third might be in the making. What a nice surprise for Jack when he finds out that Chris has no intention of doing this again. She wants him as badly as he wants her. With strap on in hand, she plans to deliver a night he won’t forget soon.

Playtime Friday Night, is short and sweet. Just the way it was meant to be. You get a quick insight into one night between a Mistress and her submissive and it’s well worth the read. The characters are adventurous, exciting and well paired. I got a quick look inside what made them a couple to begin with and why they are still together quickly becomes apparent. They truly do suit each other very well.

I have an idea, next time you want to plan a night with your submissive send them this story, and then tell them they can’t touch until you get there. That’ll get them rarin’ and ready to go.

Great job Jude Mason. I can’t wait to see more of what you have going on.

Posted by Miranda Heart :: 10:38 PM :: 3 Comments:

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Insubordinate By: Miranda Heart

I had a review done on my novel by a fellow writer and because it applies to this genre, I'm posting it here. Hope you all find it as nice and sweet as I. Happy Writing and Reading all!

Reviewed by Michelle Ellis
Title: The Insubordinate
Author: Miranda Heart
Publisher: Freya's Bower
Genre: BDSM Erotica
ISBN: 0-9771314-2-4
Rating: Sizzling
Book Length: Bites
Price: $2.00

Author has my permission to use this review.

I offered to review this book for Miranda. As it includes bdsm, she was finding it difficult to get reviews on it.

I haven’t been exposed to this kind of thing before, so started this story with an open mind, and told myself if it became too much for me to read, I would stop.

However, I completed the story and find it a huge shame that people may shy away from this type of book. Though the whole Master and Sub theme is alien to me, and I would find it a strange practise (for me personally) to play these games, this book did show me another world.

Of course I have heard about such goings on in the bedroom, but I know I am naïve in this kind of thing, as I recall, when doing a search for pictures for the cover of this book, me and Mr Coverman looked at one another several times in a state of shock!

Though the 'games' are alien to me, this story was written very tastefully, in my opinion. It could have gone the other way. There was plenty of scope here to be pretty damn gross but Miranda handled this subject extremely well, I feel. Especially for a ‘newbie’ like me, to this type of story, it didn’t make me feel sick nor make me want to stop reading. Well done there!

A strangely fascinating read, one I couldn't put down, one that taught me something too! If I finish a book having more new information than I had before I started, I consider the reading time well spent. For this reason, I gave this book a 5—for the insight into another place.

The score is also high because it was very well written, the subject was handled wonderfully, and the images I saw were crystal clear.

Forgive me if this review isn’t of my usual crazy standard, but I am still reeling! Truly, this book stunned me in many ways. This has given me much to think about (no, I don’t think I could go down the bdsm road) and it has given me an understanding of other people’s needs and wants—I now don’t feel so strange towards people who practise this kind of sexual activity, as this book showed me that if two people consent, then it really isn’t gross or bad or weird.

Thank you Miranda, for showing me, for broadening my mind. I appreciate any author that can bring me fresh insight into things that were previously a mystery.

Michelle Ellis does her own reviews at She also has her own blog, which will be posted soon on my friends list. Funniest lady I've met in a while.

Posted by Miranda Heart :: 11:05 AM :: 4 Comments:

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The Beast in Beauty By: K.M Frontain

Published by: Erotic Dreams Publishing

Rating: On a scale of 1-5, I rated this a 5.

Remember Beauty and the Beast done by Disney? The Beast in Beauty, is a twisted rendition of the old kids story line. And it is anything but kid friendly. Beauty is actually Alaric. Everyone wants Alaric. He’s gorgeous, perfect and is just looking for a reason to smack someone down. The beast is in fact beasts and it’s two women who have a love affair for each other. Deirdre and Ilsea. And he can’t get enough of these two. One refuses to submit and the other has just been waiting for the right guy to come along. Oh and lets not forget about the footman. Henry wants a taste of Alaric as well.

When I first opened this novella, I had no idea what to expect. Many a time, I would gasp and my eyes would open so wide I thought for sure they would pop out of my head. But, just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore K.M would let up a little a push onward with another scene.

The sex was enough to make me need to sit in cold shower until eternity ended. Yet, I had to get out to come and sit down to write this review. Yes, this stories centers primarily around sex. People only stop having sex long enough to slay the bad guys, get patched up from another fight and go back to having sex again. This would normally be enough for me to close up my computer and wait until tomorrow to finish reading. So why didn’t I?

Well for one thing, the characters were so dead on. Personalities meshed, their relationship made sense and for once, while reading I wasn’t looking for a way that it could have been written better. There was no room and no time to find fault. Flow. Something that is just as important as all the planning that goes into a story. It is one very important quality that makes one author stand out as better than another. And let me tell ya, K.M has it down pat.

The other reason I didn’t close it up, is I have never in my life read a story like this. Beasts are actually beasts. They grow fangs, patches of hair, some have wings, some just have bad attitudes. But, it was still different. And anything different, I’m generally all over.

And for third. I really liked these characters. There are no simpering women, no one trapped on rail road tracks. Everyone has a mind of their own and even the reader sees nothing of what they are thinking.

The Beast in Beauty was a fantastic read and I look forward to more coming from this author soon.

Posted by Miranda Heart :: 7:56 AM :: 3 Comments:

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Saturday, August 26, 2006

Opening Day

As a writer, it is disappointing when you finally have something published that you are proud of. As a reader, I would rather not have to visit every nudy site in town trying to find a good read. Which has sparked BDSM Reviews. The site is professional and will stay that way. There will be no nudes or erotic stories published on the site. Plain and simple reviews.

What do you have to do? Well, if you are a writer, please email me at In the subject please write: Attn: Miranda Heart and the title of your book. This way I know it isn't junk mail.

I promise to give an honest review. No matter the subject material. I primarily focus on the writing. Style, voice, plot and characters and then put them together as a whole. If they don't match up, I will say so. If they do good for you. :)

Along with this, I will post your website and blog address if they are available so that folks can keep up with your work.

Any questions please feel free to send them to I will happily address any concerns that you have. Any and all works sent to me will remain in my care only and if the time comes that I should need to expand, then it will only be handed out to those that I trust the most to do the reviews.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Posted by Miranda Heart :: 9:34 AM :: 7 Comments:

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